The National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences (NACCAS) is an autonomous, independent accrediting commission constituted as a nonprofit Delaware corporation, with its main office located in Alexandria, Virginia. The Commission’s origins date back to 1969, when two accrediting agencies in the field merged to form the Cosmetology Accrediting Commission (CAC). CAC changed its name to “NACCAS” in 1981.
NACCAS is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a national agency for the institutional accreditation of postsecondary schools and departments of cosmetology arts and sciences, including specialized schools. It presently accredits approximately 1,700 institutions that serve over 120,000 students. These schools offer over twenty (20) courses and programs of study that fall under NACCAS’ scope of accreditation.
What is Accreditation?
Accreditation means that a school has met national standards of educational performance that have been established by an impartial nongovernmental agency. The accrediting of schools by professional, national, and regional associations of like schools (schools with similar objectives and subject content) has long characterized the American educational scene. Through the years, accreditation of schools has been the most authoritative and reliable index of a school’s concern for integrity toward its students and quality education.
While an accrediting agency is not part of the government, the U.S. Department of Education has officially recognized several agencies. NACCAS is such a nationally recognized accrediting agency under the provisions of Chapter 33, Title 38, U.S. Code and subsequent legislation.
According to NACCAS, our placement rate is based on graduates who were scheduled to graduate during the given cohort year and are placed prior to November 30th of the year following their scheduled graduation date. Graduates who are exempt from the calculation include:
- Graduates who are deceased
- Graduates who have a permanent or indefinite disability
- Graduates who are deployed for military service or duty
- Graduates who studied under a student visa and are ineligible for employment in in the United States
- Graduates who are continuing their education at an institution under the same ownership